Osteoarthritis It is a chronic, progressive condition of knees where tissue and cartilage gets damaged, eventually losing joint function.
Osteoarthritis can develop in any joint but he knee is especially prone to injury, which often results in osteoarthritis.
Symptoms include discomfort during weight-bearing activity, clicking and popping sounds, stiffness and pain while doing day to day activities.
Cause of Osteoarthritis
- Gender: Osteoarthritis is more common and often more severe in women, especially in the knees and hands. It often starts after the menopause.
- Obesity: Being overweight is a significant risk factor for developing OA.
- Joint injury: A major injury or operation on a joint may lead to osteoarthritis at that site later in life.
- Joint Alignment: The alignment of the bones making up the joints can be a cause for developing OA in affected joints later in life.
- Occupation: Certain occupations can place excessive loads on the joints resulting in OA in later years. Jobs with repetitive knee
- bending can result in knee OA, while heavy manual labour might predispose to hip OA.
Treatment for Osteoarthritis
Physiotherapy is recommended as part of a treatment plan for osteoarthritis, in all stages of the condition.
Proper ongoing Physiotherapy care can greatly improve pain levels and maintain functional movement, and reduce medication usage.
Common Physiotherapy Treatment include:
- Exercise programs
- Care Therapy
- Full Body Cryotherapy
- Ultrasound Therapy
- Electro Therapy
- Hydrotherapy
- Joint stability exercise
- Functional Training
OA can sometimes cause severe limits. If it is making daily life hard, your doctor may recommend surgery.
If your body in its current state is holding you back in any way, you should look into physical therapy as a treatment option. Improve your overall quality of life without going under the knife. Book an appointment to see one of our specialists today.